Study in the US at high school for high school students

Studying in the US at the high school level has long been a favorite point of many Vietnamese high school students. Why do Vietnamese students choose the US as their study abroad destination from high school? Take a look at the following article.
The United States of America, one of the world’s leading educational systems. In the list of top 100 schools in the world, I always top the list in terms of the number of 20 – 30 that are at the top.
Currently, there are more than 80,000 international students studying at high schools in the US. Vietnamese students are also in the top 3 in terms of the number of American international students with nearly 5,000 students (just behind China and Korea).
This number is still increasing year by year. In this article, we will go over some information you need to know when studying in high school.
Study in the US at high school for high school students

1, Studying in high school in the US is divided into how many categories?

According to the basic classification, the US has 3 types of high schools: Public, Private, Boarding. There are some other types such as girls’ schools, boys’ schools of basic religions, which are also divided into groups of 3 as above.

Public schools – Public high schools

This is system of fields are being set up by main overcloud or bang. These schools are usually organized under the Management Council of a system of schools in the same area.
The board that establishes this high school will use the same admissions program for international students. Schools in the same Board/System will have a common tuition rate. Usually cheaper than the semi-advisory system.

Private Dayschool – Private day-boarding high school

Or called Private School for short, will convert to the above types. This school and counseling system students will only go to school during the day. The tuition fees of these schools are slightly better than those of established schools.

Boarding School – Boarding High School

This is a private high school but accepts and manages students who study and eat at the dormitory school. Full name of this school system is usually Private Boarding School – Private Boarding School.
This school is used all always eat at the school, so tuition is always high. And the quality of training at these schools is very good because, as per the concept, scraps of iron.

2, Do you need IELTS to study in the US at high school (high school)?

Just like other countries, you don’t have to have IELTS/TOEFL to study in the US. American schools have a lot of course projects. Help international students learn more English, cultural knowledge… before starting the main course.
Even at the university and college level, some schools accept students who do not meet English requirements. Take a full-time intensive foreign language (ESL) lock at the beginning of the school year.
For high school programs in any country, you do not need an international IELTS certificate. If not have IELTS, you can take an English test with the school.
If your English mode is too bad, you can be learning the language English before into the main key.
For those of you who can use English at a pretty average level. It is possible to join the class song with the main course of the classroom program at no additional cost of learning.

3, What are the requirements for GPA to study in the US at high school?

Conditions for going to American high school are different between schools, but there are some common points as follows:
For those of you applying to study abroad at a public high school in the US
Graduated from secondary school or higher from 14-19, from grades 9-12.
Language requirements: at least 205 points for ELTiS. There are many schools that still accept TOEFL or SLEP scores of at least 45.
GPA: lowest is 0 (on a 10-point scale)
Health status: good without infectious diseases, or application allergies
For those of you who are applying to study abroad in a private high school in the US
Graduated from secondary school or higher from 14-19, from grades 9-12.
Language requirements: not required, if you do not have English, you can study before entering the main course or supplement
GPA: lowest is 0 (on a 10-point scale)

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