Effective and Safe Folk Remedies for Treating Rash Fever

Folk Remedies for Treating Rash Fever

Rash fever is a common illness, especially in children, caused by various viruses. The main symptoms usually include high fever, rash, and fatigue. While there are many modern treatments available, folk remedies for treating rash fever are still trusted by many due to their safety and effectiveness. In this article, Animagplus will explore effective folk remedies for treating rash fever and how to implement them at home.

Folk Remedies for Treating Rash Fever

Traditional methods for treating rash fever have been used for generations. Here are some common remedies:

Drink Plenty of Water

Drink Plenty of Water
Drink Plenty of Water

When you have a fever, your body loses water quickly through sweat and respiration. Drinking plenty of water not only helps reduce the fever but also supports the body’s recovery process. Water helps maintain a stable body temperature, prevent dehydration, and eliminate toxins.

Types of Water to Drink

  • Coconut Water: Rich in electrolytes, coconut water helps replenish lost fluids and maintain electrolyte balance.
  • Fruit Juices: Juices such as orange, apple, and pear juice contain vitamins and minerals that boost the immune system.
  • Herbal Teas: Ginger tea and chamomile tea have soothing effects and naturally reduce fever.

Using Perilla Leaves

Perilla leaves have a warm nature, helping to relieve colds, reduce fever, and decrease inflammation. Additionally, perilla leaves contain antibacterial compounds that help prevent infections.

How to Use Perilla Leaves

  • Boil for Drinking: Wash a handful of perilla leaves, and boil with 1-2 liters of water for about 10-15 minutes. Let it cool and drink throughout the day.
  • Bathing: Boil perilla leaves and use the water to bathe, which helps cleanse the skin and reduce itching from the rash.

Cold Compress

Cold compresses help quickly lower body temperature. This is a simple and effective method, especially during high fevers.

Areas to Apply Compress

  • Forehead: Place a wet or cool cloth on the forehead to reduce temperature.
  • Neck: Applying a cold compress on the neck helps cool the carotid arteries, thus lowering body temperature.
  • Armpits and Groin: Cold compresses in the armpits and groin help quickly reduce fever as these areas have large blood vessels close to the skin.



Ginger has a warm nature, stimulates blood circulation, opens pores, and increases sweating, which helps reduce fever. Additionally, ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties.

How to Prepare and Use Ginger Water

  • Ginger Honey Water: Clean fresh ginger, crush or slice, and boil with water. Then, add a little honey to warm ginger water and drink.
  • Ginger Lemon Water: Combine ginger with lemon and honey, which enhances fever reduction and provides vitamin C.

Using Fish Mint

Fish mint has a cooling nature, helps reduce heat, and fever, and has antibacterial properties. Fish mint juice also boosts the immune system.

How to Crush and Extract Fish Mint Juice

  • Wash a handful of fish mint leaves.
  • Crush the leaves and extract the juice.
  • Drink fresh fish mint juice or mix it with a little warm water to make it easier to drink.

Using Onions

Onions have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, helping to reduce fever and cleanse the body. Applying onion slices to the soles of the feet is believed to help draw out toxins and reduce body temperature.

How to Apply Onions to the Soles of the Feet

  • Cut onions into thin slices.
  • Place the onion slices on the soles of the feet.
  • Wrap with gauze or a clean cloth and leave overnight.

Steaming with Herbal Leaves

Steaming with Herbal Leaves
Steaming with Herbal Leaves

Steaming helps open pores, promotes sweating, and lowers body temperature. The steam and essential oils from herbal leaves also help cleanse the respiratory tract.

Types of Leaves Suitable for Steaming

  • Pomelo and Lemon Leaves: Rich in essential oils, these leaves help relax and reduce fever.
  • Perilla and Lemongrass Leaves: Have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to Steam

  • Clean the leaves, and place them in a pot of boiling water.
  • When the water boils, cover your head and the pot with a large towel, and inhale the steam for about 10-15 minutes.

Notes When Using Folk Remedies

  • Always maintain hygiene when preparing and using folk remedies.
  • Regularly monitor the health condition and avoid self-medicating if there are severe symptoms.
  • If symptoms do not improve or worsen, stop using and consult a doctor.

When to See a Doctor

  • Persistent high fever not reducing after 24-48 hours.
  • Appearance of severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, seizures, and extreme fatigue.
  • Patients with underlying health conditions or weak immune systems.


Folk remedies for treating rash fever can help reduce symptoms and support the recovery process. However, monitoring health conditions and following medical advice are the most important. We hope the folk remedies shared in this article will be helpful for you and your family in health care.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are folk remedies safe for young children?

    Many folk remedies can be safe for young children, but it’s important to consult a doctor before use.

  2. Should folk remedies be used while taking modern medicine?

    Consult a doctor to avoid interactions between folk remedies and modern medicine.

  3. How to know if a folk remedy is effective?

    Monitor the symptoms and health condition of the patient. If improvement is observed, the remedy can be continued. If not, stop and consult a doctor.

We hope this article provides comprehensive information on effective and safe folk remedies for treating rash fever. Always pay attention to your health and that of your loved ones, and do not hesitate to seek professional medical advice when necessary.

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